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Stále jsi při Mě! EN

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Still with me!
One fine day it all went wrong...
It was my fault! Illness came for me because I didn't respect You... How are you.. How are you...
For a long time, I selfishly looked only in front of Me, I did not look at You!
He saw Himself work, and success...
I have seen little of what you really are in you...
The severe illness was my payback..
I do not know about Myself ... And just lay ..
You are still with me!!!
I selfishly looked at Myself, and overlooked You.. Now this fight is my payback..
You are still with me!!!
Selfishness was My middle name...
It was a life or death fight, but you're still with me!
No I didn't deserve you.. That's why I'm alone in the apartment now
Here I finally look at You, where I see that You gave me Heaven ...
You are still with me!!!
I really wanted to have you and not look at myself anymore
Fate decided to wake Me up, but force You to suffer..
You are still with me!!!
My return was a punishment..
Alcohol, Cigars, Aggression in a tough spirit is carried ...
Humiliation, Rejection ... only a woman like you still gives me a cigar ...
It was an incredibly hard fight, and you fought bravely.. She believed in Our Relationship forever...
You are still with me!!!
You cried all the time, and bitterness was in your mouth..
She swallowed everything bad and believed that it would be good...
You experienced a lot.. That would defeat anyone.. Swallowing pain and tears.. you started to get used to it.
You are still with me!!!
I will be grateful for the rest of my life that life gave me You in the form of happiness..
Was I just another punishment or test for you?
You were the only good thing ..Until the last day!
You finally gathered the face the Devil himself..
She also left the evil and cruel life...
Your reward was a new life.. Full of happiness, health, love that won't cause you wrinkles..
My incredibly disgusting states.. Aggression that bothered you so much.. Even though you had enough.. you held my hand, even though you could have had many boys..
Nights full of tears and helplessness... When did you ask yourself in your mind who you are?
And yet everything ... You bent down to me full of tears .. And held my hand tightly ...
And she was still with me!!!
Your story continues one day..
And I wish You .. May everyone stand by You .. as You stand by me .. In our house ...
I'm just a stupid and naive animal... What doesn't act in moderation..
But You're Still With Me!!!!!

I had an incredible desire to spread myself in You, and to have You forever.
Your nature was full of good, and loving..
Trouble in life was Your curse.. .
You are still with me!
The most beautiful day was when you were a riverine Yes. At that moment I saw the beautiful bottom..
God, you are so beautiful and irresistible... My wish is to have you again for Myself..
Seeing how your corner twitches when you're embarrassed...
You are a very strong woman.. what is a very gentle ...
You are still with me!!!

Obrázek uživatele Evžen Billich
16. 9. 2023